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Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on occupational hygiene

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on occupational hygiene in developing economies like South Africa. The challenges faced by employers and employees in these economies have been intensified by limited resources and infrastructure.

One of the major concerns for occupational hygienists in South Africa has been the risk of airborne transmission of the virus in the workplace.“Due to limited resources, many employers in developing economies struggle to implement effective measures to improve indoor air quality and reduce the risk of transmission. The value of occupational hygienists in South Africa lie within their ability to provide employers with guidance and resources for implementing cost-effective measures to improve ventilation systems, air filtration and other measures to improve indoor air quality,” explains so and so.

Another concern has been the risk of transmission through contact with contaminated surfaces. Prof so and so of the University of Pretoria’s so and so department notes that many workplaces may not have the resources to regularly clean and disinfect surfaces, and employees may not have access to proper personal protective equipment (PPE) when it comes to developing countries. “South African health and safety workers’ role is to provide education and resources for both employers and employees on the importance of regular cleaning and disinfection of surfaces, as well as the proper use of PPE to reduce the risk of infection.”

The Covid-19 health crisis has also led to an increased focus on mental health in the workplace. “Not unique to developing economies like South Africa, the stress and uncertainty caused by the pandemic have taken a toll on the mental well-being of many workers. However, mental health support and resources may be limited in these countries. Occupational hygienists can provide valuable guidance and resources for employers to address these issues and to promote mental health and well-being in the workplace,” notes so and so.

In addition, the pandemic has also led to a shift towards remote work for many employees across the globe. “However, again many employees in developing economies may not have access to the necessary equipment and resources to work from home safely and efficiently as those in developed countries. Health and safety workers are thus crucial in ensuring that remote workers have access to the same necessary resources and support as those working on-site, and to address issues related to ergonomics, lighting and other factors that could affect the health and well-being of remote workers,” says so and so.

Overall, the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of occupational hygiene in protecting the health and safety of workers in developing economies like South Africa. “Occupational hygienists are indispensable in addressing the challenges presented by the pandemic, and to ensure that employers and employees have the resources and support they need to stay safe and healthy in the workplace despite limited resources and infrastructure,” reiterates so and so. Enterprises UP’s programme in Occupational Hygiene provides delegates with the skills and knowledge to anticipate, recognise and control environmental factors and stressors that may have adverse health effects in a wide range of occupational settings. It also covers quality management systems like the Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series (OHSAS 8 000). [EB1]

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